How to Copy Files to a Remote System (ftp)


Change to the source directory on the local system.The directory from which you type the ftp command is the local working directory, and thus the source directory for this operation.

Establish an ftp connection.

    $ ftp remote-system

    Change to the target directory.

    ftp> cd target-directory 

    Remember, if your system is using the automounter, the home directory of the remote system’s user appears parallel to yours, under /home.

    Ensure that you have write permission to the target directory.

    ftp> ls -l target-directory

    Set the transfer type to binary.

    ftp> binary

    To copy a single file, use the put command.

    ftp> put filename

    To copy multiple files at once, use the mput command.

    ftp> mput filename [filename ...]

    You can supply a series of individual file names and you can use wildcard characters. The mput command copies each file individually, asking you for confirmation each time.

    To close the ftp connection, type bye.

      ftp> bye


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